Dear Lirot friends and donors,

Summer has already arrived, the war is still going and the hostages are still not here. 
At the "Lirot" Association, we are doing our best to continue working normally and assist those in need. 
Unfortunately, eye health is always a relevant issue, so it is important to maintain our regular activities. 

This issue, we bring you new updates, photos from our latest conference and information about the annual assembly of the "Lirot" Association. 

We wish you pleasant reading and remind you that you are always welcomed to contact us with feedback, questions, or donations for a specific project.

Nadine Hollander, CEO of the Lirot association
the Lirot team, members of the Friends Association 
and the Lirot management.


Lirot's News


Participation at the ARVO conference
The ARVO (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology) conference is the world's largest annual conference for eye research. 
This year, the conference included extensive Israeli participation. 
The highlight of the conference is presented below in a summary by Retina International and includes insights on new therapies for genetic retinal diseases and innovations in AMD treatment.


Prevalence of Hereditary Retinal Diseases in the Israeli Population
Prof. Tamar Ben Yossef
An Israeli study on the prevalence of hereditary retinal diseases in the Israeli population was published in the journal JAMA Ophthalmology, an international, peer-reviewed journal for ophthalmology and vision science. 
The article was written by Sapir Shalom; Dr. Yifat Shar - Head of the Retinal Research Laboratory at the Clinic for Hereditary Retinal Diseases and Electrophysiology of the Nerve and Retina at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer; and Professor Tamar Ben-Yosef - a member of the Executive Board and Scientific Council of the "Lirot" Association.


New appointment
New appointment
Warm congratulations from the "Lirot" association to Professor Anat Loewenstein, Chair of the Israeli Ophthalmology Society, on the beginning of her tenure as President of the EURETINA Association, which unites all retinal specialists from Europe, with over 7,000 retinal experts as members of the organization!


Annual Conference


This July, we held a conference about eye health with the participation of expert doctors. 
During the conference, we discussed retinal diseases, cataracts and impaired vision, including a Q&A session with the audience. 
The conference was very successful and we were pleased to see great interest from the dozens of participants who attended.



Annual Assembly


At the end of June, we held the general assembly of the "Lirot" association and we are pleased to attach here the presentation summarizing the association's extensive activities in 2023 for your review.
See also our special thanks to our dear donors, who continue to support us in those very difficult times since October 7th.


Glasses donation for the soldiers at war


The "Lirot" Association, with the help of donations, has purchased special glasses for combat soldiers: face protective goggles with special unbreakable lenses to prevent injuries. 
The glasses were sent to soldiers on the front lines serving in regular and reserve duty. 
We would be grateful for your donations to continue assisting in the purchase of glasses for combat soldiers.



Hoping for better days for all of us,
Nadine Hollander, CEO of the Lirot association, [email protected]
Lirot team, members of the Friends Association and the Lirot management.



נשלח באמצעות smoove פלטפורמת שיווק