The Research & Authority Newsletter

Jan. 31, 2024    





Announcements & Reminders


Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP)
LOI: Collaborative Research Grants 2025

LOI Deadline is on Mar 24, 2024

HFSP provides generous funding for new directions in scientific inquiry by initiating
international collaborative, interdisciplinary, and cuttingedge
basic research in the life sciences . . . and beyond.

The participation of scientists from disciplines outside the traditional life sciences is highly
sought after. Researchers from physics, chemistry, computational biology, computer
science, engineering, mathematics, etc. are welcome participants in HFSP grants.

$300,000 – $500,000 per year.

3 years.

Registration is via HSFP's extranet site on Mar 19, 2024

RDA Contact: Vered Kedar, Tel: 64 72435

Registration, Mar 19, 2024

LOI, Mar 24, 2024


Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)
Pre-Announcement: Autism Research Program (ARP) – 'Idea Award'

This pre-announcement is meant to allow researchers time to plan and develop ideas for submission to CDMRP's anticipated 2024 funding opportunities.

ARP supports the development of innovative, high-impact ideas that advance the understanding of ASD and ultimately lead to improved outcomes.

Budget: $550,000 total.

Duration: 3 years.

Special Note: A pre-application for this call is required. Full applications are by invite only.

RDA Contact : Yaara Hazan, Tel: 64 77748


Calls for Proposals


National Institute of Health (NIH)
Call for Proposals: 'BRAIN Initiative' - Targeted BRAIN Circuits Projects

This call seeks research projects that explore how circuit activity contributes to mental experiences and behavior, using innovative, integrated approaches. The objective is to support adventurous projects with transformative potential. 

This call is classified as an RO1 grant which is a substantial research project award designed to support independent, investigator-initiated research across various scientific domains.

Areas of interest include:

-   Data Analysis
-   Computational Approaches to Experimental Design
-   Linking Theory

Budget: No fixed limit. Estimated at $ 750,000 (from similar calls).

Duration: 5 years.

Special Note:  - There are 2 submission cycles for this call.

                        - LOI submissiom is 30 days prior to the application due date.
Official Call Webpage

RDA Contact : Yaara Hazan, Tel: 64 77748

Full Proposals, Jun 24, 2024

Full Proposals, Sep 29, 2024


The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF)

Call for Proposals: 2024 Young Investigator Awards

PCF is offering funding for young investigators (6 yrs following completion of a professional degree), especially those working on prostate cancer health disparities. Proposals addressing disparities in prostate cancer care can focus on 
implementation research in different populations or drivers of care and outcome disparities. 

Applicants are encouraged to involve advice from patients or advocates, and support letters reflecting such relationships are recommended.

Budget: $ 225,000 total.

Duration: 3 years.

Requirements: - Applicants need to have a mentor.

RDA Contact : Yaara Hazan, Tel: 64 77748

Full Proposal, Apr 10, 2024



Call for Pre-Proposals: Nutritional Security Program

Nutritional Security Program is a new funding initiative that strengthens collaboration between the U.S. and Israel in addressing challenges related to nutrition. It aims to find innovative solutions to promote health, reduce hunger, and address diet-related health issues, all while emphasizing sustainability. 

The program focuses not only on food quality but also on making nutritionally balanced diets affordable, accessible, and widely available.

Budget: 480,000 NIS total.

Duration: 3 years.

Due to the Passover vacation the deadline to the RDA will be earlier then usual

RDA Contact : Galia Chelets, Tel: 64 72436

Pre-Proposals, Apr 18, 2024


Halasartan (Stop Cancer)

LOI: Cancer Research in Young Adults 

Stop Cancer is an Israeli non-governmental organization that primarily operates on a voluntary basis to offer relief and support for young oncology patients. 

The program is designed to promote cancer research in young adults, with a focus on addressing unique issues, including psychosocial aspects, that affect this demographic.

Primary Focuses for This Call:

- Research related to side effects to treatments, including psychosocial aspects.

- Research related to aspects of quality of life (QOL).

Budget: - 150,000 NIS total for primary grants.

               - 50,000 NIS for Proof of Concept grants.

RDA Contact: Orly Kayam  Tel: 64 77709 

LOI, Mar 27, 2024


Spencer Foundation

Call for Proposals: Research Grants on Education - 'Small'

This program is "field-initiated," meaning you can propose your own research ideas without being restricted to specific topics, disciplines, designs, methods, or locations. The goal is to support high-quality and relevant research that addresses important questions and 
opportunities in education, emphasizing rigor, intellectual ambition, and technical soundness.

Budget: $50,000 total.

Duration: 1-5 years.

Due to the Passover vacation the deadline to the RDA will be earlier then usual

RDA Contact : Yaara Hazan, Tel: 64 77748

Full Proposals, Apr 18, 2024




The Research & Development Authority

Notice: The Scientific Publications Section

The Scientific Publications Section of the RDA is available to edit academic articles written by independent BGU researchers. They are also available for consultation about proposal writing and development.

Priority is given to the written material of new researchers (first 3 years at BGU), who receive the service free of charge.


Israel Innovation Authority (IIA)

Call for Pre-Proposals: Distributed Cellular Private Networks Consortium

The Innovation Authority invites academic researchers to apply to participate in a new Maagad Program led by Elbit, Ceragon Networks, Pente Networks and others. This program is designed to develop communication technologies beyond 5G/6G. With focus on adapting private cellular networks for various applications, utilizing AI for predictive capabilities, precise 3D positioning, ultra-fast response times, and addressing issues in IoT networks and energy efficiency.

Topics of Interest:

  • Unification of Geo-positioning and advanced TX/RX with AI techniques for reduction of MIMO and BF complexity
  • Accurate 4D geo-positioning – for indoor and outdoor areas
  • Energy Efficiency, and Power saving
  • Reduction of E2E Delay

Budget: Up to 550,000 NIS for 18 months.

Duration: 3 years.

Submission process:

Interested parties should express their intent to participate by emailing BGN at [email protected] . Additionally, applicants must apply directly to the Maagad by completing [this form] no later than February 21st, 2024.    

Pre-Proposals, Feb 21, 2024


Grant Awardees


Jewish National Fund Canada (JNF)

- Prof. Menny Shalom, Dept. of Chemistry



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