December, 2024
Dear friends,

This year is ending as it started, with our world at war, with hostages held in inhuman conditions and tens of thousands killed in Gaza, many thousands displaced on both sides of the border and grieving. We are ending as we started, renewing our hope each day for an end to the war, recommitting to do everything in our power to show the rest of the country and the rest of the world that peace is both possible and necessary. To show, through actions, teaching and example, that true peace will only be possible once we learn to respect one another and once we can achieve true equaltity between our peoples. 

As you can see from the links below, our year has also been one of advance, of celebration, education, new beginnings and continued traditions. 

We wish everyone a a new year of peace, health and happiness, healing of wounds and working together to heal the world. 


Peace Press
Peace Press
A new initative of the Communications and Development office aims to change the discourse in the media. 


School for Peace hosts a hackathon
School for Peace hosts a hackathon
Alumni peace organizers come together to overcome obstacles to sucess. 


In the Primary School
In the Primary School
After the Jewish holidays, the real learning begins. read more

Lessons in democracy take a whole week in the primary school. read more

Meet Tamar Zohar-Shemesh, Jewish coordinator of the Parents Community read more


Renewing the Pluralistic Spiritual Community Center
Renewing the Pluralistic Spiritual Community Center
Hezzi Schuster returns to the PSCC after a three-year hiatus. 


Art Gallery: Where to?
Art Gallery: Where to?
A unique exhibit combined news, thoughts, feelings and shared pain in bulletin-board missives with paintings and sculptures. 


AGM in London
AGM in London
The British Friends of WASNS hosted an Annual General Meeting for all of our Friends Assocations in an intensive two days in London. 



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