2023: The Dangers Ahead
Dear Friends,

As we usher in a new year, the Two State Index is at an all-time-low. The new Israeli government has expressed its intention to govern according to policies that will entrench de-facto annexation. The challenges we face in 2023 are substantial, and it is crucial that we stand together in solidarity to safeguard the rapidly diminishing political horizon for a two-state solution, to combat divisive rhetoric and destructive policies, and ensure a future of security, dignity, and peace for both Palestinians and Israelis. 

The Two State Index fell -9.1% in December, from 5.48 to 4.98 – the lowest value recorded since the TSI began. Scroll through the headlines below for in-depth analysis on how developments this month impacted the feasibility of the two-state solution.



December at a Glance:

  • Year In Review: At end of 2022, Two State Index at All-Time Low. Why 2022 stands out as a year that emboldened, legitimized, and empowered Israel’s ultra-nationalist far-right

  • The Devil is in the Details: Coalition Agreements Allow Far-Right Ministers to Pursue Policy of De-Facto Annexation. Fmr. Head of West Bank Civil Administration Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Ilan Paz on the damage in appointing an independent minister to oversee Defense Ministry bodies 

  • Aggressive Israeli Response to UN Weakens Israel’s International Standing More than ICJ Vote Result Itself: President of Mitvim Institute & Sr. Middle East Institute Fellow Dr. Nimrod Goren on what Israel's reaction to UN vote forecasts for the international stage

  • Facing Hostile Israeli Policies, Palestinian Support for Two State Solution Falls and Support for Armed Resistance Rises: Anxieties about  policies of incoming Israeli gov't reflected in hardening Palestinian attitudes

  • Netanyahu Seeks to Leverage West Bank Annexation for Saudi Normalization Deal: What UAE officials' meetings with Israeli hardliners says about the trajectory of regional relations

These events decreased the Two State Index by -9.1% in December (down 0.5 points from 5.48 to 4.98)