
Nov 2019, Newsletter #12
Check out all videos filmed during the June 2019 conference on "Holy Places" together with Oxford University HERE.


BGU-Oxford University Joint Workshop


CSoC members had the honour and joy to host respectable colleagues from the Faculty of Theology and Religion from Oxford University in June 2019. We had an amazing experience of learning, knowledge sharing and exploring sacred spaces. We wish the academic collaboration with prof. Anna Sapir Abulafia and her group to continue and thank all participants and listeners who made the conference a great success. To see photos from the conference  Like our Facebook page, for the lectures follow our YouTube channel.


Academic Activities 2019-2020


Our annual seminars will continue to take place on Tuesdays 10am in the BGU Marcus Campus. This year's theme will be "Violence and its Justification in the Abrahamic Faiths" and you can follow the annual schedule by clicking HERE.

Researchers with scholorship will be meeting on the Tuesdays when there is no seminar, for a reading group. For more information contact our administrator HERE


We're excited to welcome the new research team of 2019-2020! For their details, click HERE.

We also welcome Dr. Peter Sh. Lehnardt from BGU's department of Hebrew Literature, a specialist of Medieval Hebrew Liturgy, to CSoC's Steering Committee. 

At this opportunity we wish farewell and good luck to the research fellows from 2018-2019 who've moved on.


Publications, Book Launches & Reviews


Cambridge University Library's Fragment of the Month: On Rashi, Maimonides and a lost Talmudic commentator - Joseph ben Yahaboy: T-S Ar. 49.163, May 2019 By Amir Ashur

Legal Documents: How to Identify Prenuptial Agreements, Jewish History, August 2019, By Amir Ashur


Prof. Bar-Asher Siegel's Book Launch "Jewish-Christian Dialogues on Scripture in Late Antiquity: Heretic Narratives of the Babylonian Talmud" (Cambridge University Press) took place on  November 6th 2019 at 18:00 in the BGU Campus Marcus Barkan Hall (Hebrew).



Read Dr. Elazar's newest chapter "The Challenge of Diversity: Evangelical Missionaries and Ethno-Christianity in Reform Era Yunnan", in Religious Diversity in Asia, edited by J. Borup, M. Fibiger, L. Kuhle, pp 119-144, HERE.


Check out Ayelet Harel-Shalev's new chapter, co authroed with and Noa Levy: "Some Side Effects of Religious Diversity: Exploring Religious Conversion in the Indian Secular State", in Religious Diversity in Asia", pp 93-118, ed. J borup, M Fibiger and L Kuhle, Brill 2020.


Read Dr. Mirjam Lücking's newest article “Travelling with the Idea of Taking Sides: Indonesian Pilgrimages to Jerusalem” published in Brill’s journal BIJDRAGEN in a special issue on “Indonesia and Its Others: Inclusion, Exclusion and Inter-Cultural Engagements.”


קראו כאן את "מה שלא ישיגו העמים בשכלם" – הרשב"א והאסכולה הרבנית הקטלונית, ומקומם באפיון ימי הביניים המאוחרים וראשית הזמנים החדשים בתולדות ישראל, בתוך:  דעת 87  עמודים 137-238 (2019), כתב עת המוקדש למחקרים בעברית ובאנגלית בתחום הפילוסופיה היהודית והקבלה.


Dr. Oded Y. Steinberg, a new researcher for the 2019-2020 academic year, has just released his newest book: "Race, Nation, History Anglo-German Thought in the Victorian Era", University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019.


Read Dr. Stuczynski's newest article: "What does “Judeo-Christianity” mean in Late Medieval and Early Modern Iberia?", in: Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas, 2019.


Also, check out Talmon-Heller and Miriam Frenkel's article " Religious Innovation in Eleventh-century Jerusalem: Jewish and Muslim Rites" in: Medieval Encounters 25: 203-226 (2019).


Read Dr. Tritle's newest article: "Many Rivers, One Sea, and the Dry Land: Jews and Conversos in the Political Theology of Alonso de Cartagena", in: Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas, 2019.


Read Dr. Van der Haven's newest article: "Jewish-Christianity and the Confessionalization of Amsterdam’s Seventeenth-Century Portuguese Jewish Community", in: Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas, 2019.


Read Nadia Zeldes's article: "The Mass Conversion of 1495 in South Italy and its Precedents: a Comparative Approach", in Medieval Encounters 25 (2019) pp. 227–262

Read Dr. Nadia Zeldes's newest article: "Arguments for a Judeo-Christian Identity in the Writings of Antonio de Ferrariis: Pro-Converso Polemics in Southern Italy", in: Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas, 2019.



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