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TraffLab PI

Hila Shamir
Hila Shamir

Prof. Hila Shamir

Hila Shamir is a Professor of Law at Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Law and a TraffLab PI.


Shamir earned her S.J.D. and LL.M. from Harvard Law School and LL.B. from Tel-Aviv University. She teaches and researches in the fields of Employment, Labor, Immigration, and Welfare Law with a focus on issues of labor trafficking, and gender equality. Shamir has taught at Cornell Law School, UC Berkeley, and Harvard University. She served as Associate Dean of Academic Affair at TAU Law (2017-2018). Shamir received a European Research Council (ERC) grant to pursue research on a Labor Approach to Human Trafficking, and established TraffLab – Labor Perspective to Human Trafficking research project (2018-2023). At TraffLab an interdisciplinary group of scholars and lawyers are researching various labor based tools to transform severely exploitative labor sectors. The TraffLab research project seeks to shift anti-trafficking policy, research and discourse, away from the predominant criminal law, border control, and human rights model, and towards a labor based approach to human trafficking that will be primarily focused on the bargaining power disparities that create vulnerability to trafficking.

Shamir is also the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship, the EU Marie Curie Reintegration Grant, and of research grants from the Israeli Science Foundation and the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology, and a member of the Israeli Young Academy. She is a co-author of the book Governance Feminism: An Introduction (Minnesota U. Press, 2018), (co-authored with Janet Halley, Prabha Kotiswaran and Rachel Rebouche). Their co-edited book Governance Feminism: Notes from the Field will be published in 2019.


Relevant Publications:


Tamar Barkay, Jonathan Davies, Irene Pietropaoli and Hila Shamir, Anti-trafficking Chains: Analyzing the Impact of Transparency Legislation in the UK Construction Sector, Law & Social Inquiry (2024). Published online 2024:1-32. doi:10.1017/lsi.2024.6 . [Full Text]


Hila Shamir, Einat Peled and Guy Shilo, Predictors of Public Attitudes Regarding the Impact of “End Demand” Legislation: Findings from an Israeli Survey, Sex Res Soc Policy (2023).The Version of Record is available online at:


Hila Shamir, Hanny Ben Israel and Maayan Niezna, Introduction: Trafficking in Persons - Past, Present and Future, 6 Law, Culture and Society, Special Issue: Trafficking in Persons 9 (2023). [Hebrew


Inga Thiemann and Hila Shamir, A Social-Legal Analysis of Reforms in the Regulation of Sex Work: The Case Study of End Demand Legislation in Israel, 2 (1,2) International Journal of Gender, Sexuality and Law  19 (2022).  [Full Text]


Hila Shamir, A Labor Approach to Human Trafficking: Twenty Years of International Efforts to Address Human Trafficking, Iyunei Mishpat 377 (2021). [Hebrew] [Abstract in English]


Yahel Kurlander, Maayan Niezna and Hila Shamir, COVID-19’s Impact on Non-Israeli Workers: Vulnerability, Commodification and Hope, 2 Israeli Sociology 82 (2021). [Hebrew] [Full Text] Available at SSRN: 3830342


Maayan Niezna, Yahel Kurlander and Hila Shamir, Underlying Conditions: The Increased Vulnerability of Migrant Workers under COVID-19, 6 (2) J. of Modern Slavery 133 (2021).

[Full Text] Available at SSRN:


Hila Shamir, Feminist Approaches to the Regulation of Sex Work: Patterns in Transnational Governance Feminist Law Making, 52 Cornell Int'l  L.J. 177 (2019). [Full Text]

Hila Shamir, Anti-Trafficking in Israel, Neo-Abolitionist Feminists, Markets, Borders, and the State in GOVERNANCE FEMINISM: AN INTRODUCTION, co-authored with Janet Halley,

Prabha Kotiswaran & Rachel Rebouche (Minnesota University Press, 2018).

Hila Shamir, The Paradox of 'Legality Temporary Migrant Worker Programs and Vulnerability to Trafficking in Prabha Kotiswaran (ed.), (Cambridge University Press, 2017). [Full Text]

Debbie Bernstein, Hila Shamir, Dlila Amir and Nomi Levenkron, Sex Work and Migration: The Case of Tel Aviv and Jaffa, 1918 – 2010 in SELLING SEX IN THE CITY: PROSTITUTION IN WORLD CITIES, 1600 TO THE PRESENT 329 (Magaly Rodríguez García, Lex Heerma van Voss, and ELISE van Nederveen Meerkerk (eds.)) (2017). [Full Text]

Hila Shamir, Regulating Sex Work: Looking Favorably at the Gap Between the Law in the Books and the Law in Action, in REGULATIONS 121 (David Levi-Faur, Yishai Blank, and Issachar Rosen-Zvi (eds.) 2016). [Hebrew] [Full Text]

Hila Shamir and Guy Mundlak, The Global Governance of Domestic Work, in MIGRATION AND CARE LABOUR: Theory, Policy and Politics 142  (Bridget Anderson and Isabel Shutes eds., Palgrave, 2014). [Full Text]

Hila Shamir, Organizing Migrant Care Workers: Industrial Citizenship and the Trade Union Option, 153(1) International Labour Rev. 93 (2014), Co-authored with Guy Mundlak.

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Hila Shamir and Guy Mundlak, Spheres of Migration: Separation and Infiltration of Political, Economic and Universal Imperatives in Structuring Israel's Migration Regime, 5 Middle East Law and Governance Journal 112 (2013). [Full Text]

Hila Shamir, A Labor Paradigm for Human Trafficking, 60 UCLA Law Review 76 (2012). 

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Janet Halley, Prabha Kotiswaran, Hila Shamir & Chantal Thomas, From the International to the Local in Feminist Legal Responses to Rape, Prostitution/Sex Work and Sex Trafficking:  Four Studies in Contemporary Governance Feminism, 29(2) Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 335 (2006). [Full Text]

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