Principles and Practice of Microscopy
Location: Albert Katz International School of Desert Studies at the Sede Boqer Campus of the Ben-Gurion University in Israel.

The shortcourse instructorProf. Noemi Tel-Zur

Dates: 13-17/2/2022

Course Description:
This is an introductory course with laboratory classes for students with an interest in microscopy or who will need to use microscopy in their research work. The course will cover a general theoretical introduction to microscopy and a comparison of different tools and methods, including stain techniques. The laboratory part includes operation of binocular and bright-field microscopes and sample preparation.
  1. Overview: a history of microscopy, properties of light, and optical image formation.
  2. Microscope parts and anatomy – Lenses, objective, ocular, upright vs inverted.
  3. Types of microscopes – binocular, bright-field, polarized, phase-contrast, differential interference contrast (DIC), fluorescence (filters); and electron (SEM, TEM) microscopes.
  4. Confocal microscope – principles, uses and practical demonstration.
  5. LCM (Laser Capture Microdissection).
  6. Stain techniques.
  7. Cameras and imaging (color and monochrome) 
  8. Analysis of microscope images.